Senior Project Day 11: Bulk Head

 Today we spent our day hiking the bulk head and exploring the trails on Proctors campus. We started early in the morning and made our way up to the Bulk Head. We stopped at the Proctor Cabin for a bit and explored, this was a full circle moment for both Bean and Kelby which was super cool to witness. I have never been up to the cabin so it felt like I was crossing something important off my Proctor Bucket list. The hike wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be but the footing wasn’t great in some areas. The leaves from the fall made the trail pretty slippery in some parts. The view from the bull head was super cool and we could even see Kearsarge from the top which is where we hiked yesterday. I am so glad we added this hike to our project! 

Todays hours: 6 

Total Project Hours: 51


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